Ternyata pelajaran berharga sekali loh dari menulis sebuah scientific paper.
Saya yang bodoh sekali dalam hal menulis, saat menulis scientific paper dibilang seperti menulis buku harian. Saya baca sendiri juga saya mengakui seperti itu sih. hehe.
Jadilah, saya baca dulu bagaimana sih cara menulis scientific paper yang baik, tentunya lewat om gugel, sampailah saya pada sebuah laman web dari Elsevier : https://www.elsevier.com/connect/11-steps-to-structuring-a-science-paper-editors-will-take-seriously
Dari situ, saya pahamilah, menulis scientific paper yang baik ialah harus dimulai dari akhir.
Mau berakhir seperti apa sih (paper) saya?
Disitu dijelaskan, pertama kali yang ditulis ialah Result (dari penelitian), hasil ini loh yang nantinya saya inginkan. Dari hasil itu, barulah mulai dari awal menulis Introduction, Abstract, dan menentukan Judul (penelitian).
Dari ide itu lah. Saya belajar. Ini sama loh seperti banyak hal dalam kehidupan.
Sama seperti kehidupan ini juga.
Kita menjalani hidup ini sekarang, pahami dulu, nanti akhirnya mau jadi seperti apa?
Saya percaya surga-neraka. Kalau saya ingin resultnya menjadi surga, kehidupan seperti apa yang harus saya mulai, yang saya lakukan?
Conotoh besarnya begitu, dan ternyata melalui hal-hal kecil lainnya dalam kehidupan, penting sekali jika bisa dipraktikan.
Mau A, coba stop dulu, dan beprikir, akhirnya mau dibawa ke arah mana? Akan jadi seperti apa?
Nantinya saat menjalani A ini metode melakukannya pasti bisa lebih terarah dan fokus.
Jadi intinya, "just do!" "YOLO" itu ngga banget jadinya.
Hahaha. ini kocak sih.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Thursday, October 20, 2016
My Self Reminder
Bicara mengenai hubungan, pernikahan, ngga ada habisnya. Seru memang, apalagi untuk wanita berumur 25 tahun seperti saya. Kanan kiri, grup ini grup itu, semua isinya ngga jauh mengenai topik ini. Undangan pernikahan teman seangkatan sudah butuh jari tangan banyak orang untuk menghitungnya.
Salah dua pertanyaan yang sedang ada dibenak saya ialah,
Sebenarnya hubungan lelaki perempuan yang ideal itu seperti apa sih? Cerita cinta pernikahan yang ideal itu seperti apa sih?
Apakah seperti yang sudah lama pacaran hingga bertahun tahun lalu akhirnya menikah? Atau seperti yang sudah sejak lama berteman saking dekatnya sehingga tidak tahu lagi bedanya saat akhirnya menikah, pasangan rasa sahabat? Atau seperti yang baru dikenalkan kemarin lalu sebulan kemudian sudah menjadi orang yang dilihat setiap pagi membuka mata? Atau seperti yang diam diam suka bertahun tahun, padahal sebenarnya sama-sama suka dan akhirnya menikah? Atau seperti apa?
Cerita cinta itu banyak. Hubungan yang ideal itu juga berbeda pastinya setiap orang. Tapi buat saya setidaknya, saya seharusnya memiliki bayangan ideal itu seperti apa.
Sampai beberapa bulan yang lalu, jujur saja, saya masih santai, ngga perduli, ada sih sedikit kepikiran, tapi bisa dibilang saya tidak terlalu peduli masalah pernikahan. Yang waktu itu dipikiran saya, sangatlah positif, ideal seharusnya menurut saya, "Nanti juga ada, nanti pasti dipertemukan." Dan idealism saat saya muda dan belum siap menikah juga sepertinya sangat ideal, idealism "saya ngga perlu kok pacaran, nanti saja kalau sudah siap menikah, baru pikir lagi."
Sangat ideal bagi saya, tapi idealisme saya itu kurang persiapan. Keidealan itu buat saya agak jadi sia-sia karena kurang didukung ilmu diri dan persiapan diri saya yang mantap.
Tapi sedari sebulan dua bulan belakangan ini, saya jadi sangat sensitive dan kepikiran sekali masalah pernikahan ini, seperti yang, wah kayanya gabisa diam begini saja, insecure juga ada, bingung dan bertanya-tanya. Kenapa begitu, mungkin banyak faktor, dari baper, dari ekspektasi, dari terpengaruh juga banyak orang yang merasakan dan membicarakan masalah "kapan menikah" ini disekitar saya.
Saya yang dulunya ideal menurut saya itu, mengapa bisa juga ternyata terbawa perasaan, itu karena sepertinya saya kurang paham banyak hal mengenai hubungan laki-laki perempuan, saya tidak siap dan memang belum pintar. Bukannya berarti kita tidak boleh terbawa perasaan, suka dan jatuh cinta itu hal yg alami, manusiawi, tp bagaimana prosesnya itu lah yang ilmunya belum saya kuasai dengan baik.
Nah, sekarang saya ingin mempersiapkan diri saya. Membekali diri. Menguatkan diri. Belajar. Bagimana caranya biar benar ikhlas berpikir, "Nanti juga ada, nanti pasti dipertemukan". Dari berbagai kemungkinan yang bakal dihadapi, bagaimana sih harusnya sikap saya?
Pertama, dikemungkinan jika saya memiliki seseorang yang saya suka. Harus gimana?
Sukanya suka sekali, kenal juga, tapi tahu orang itu tidak available lagi, alias sudah punya calon yang kemungkinan besar jadi pasangan hidupnya.
Ditunggukah? Siapa tahu kan jodoh. Ini bakal jadi cerita cinta keren banget kalau nantinya kita jadi setelah pengorbanan bertahun-tahun saya setia nunggu dia. Iya ngga sih?
Padahal tidak keren sama sekali. Kenapa? Karena siapa sih yang bisa menjamin masa depan saya dan orang itu? Kalau memang jodoh, yang jauh nya ribuan mil pun bisa ketemu, tapi kalau ngga jodoh yang jaraknya satu jengkal setiap hari ketemu pun, tidak akan jadi juga. Jadi saya sebaiknya, berusaha tidak memupuk rasa suka itu.
Kalau rasa sudah terlanjur terpupuk terlalu dalam, hingga cacing cacing pun bisa merasakan nikmat pupuknya, berusahalah lebih lagi agar tidak merasa-rasakan itu. Jangan coba coba iseng kepo lagi atau buka buka history chat sama dia (walaupun chatnya juga gada yang spesial loh), jangan buka buka album foto lama. Jangan mulai duluan, sangat kangen orang tersebut terus saya jadi iseng cuma sekedar nanya kabar atau cari-cari kesibukan buat chat dia, NO ! Coba pikir, apa gunanya? Terus kenapa kalau sudah tahu kabar dia?
Kendalikan diri. Kita sendiri yang paling bisa mengendalikan perasaan kita. Puasa deh. Puasa buat berhenti melakukan hal-hal yang sekiranya akan memupuk perasaan kita sama dia. Puasa. Puasa. Puasa.
Tapi kalau memang sudah puasa dan ternyata masih ada rasa suka itu, karena memnag nasipnya harus selalu berhubungan sama dia, gimana? Masa harus pindah kota, pindah rumah, block kontaknya, block medsosnya? Haha itu namanya saya memutus tali silaturahim dong. Alamiah deh. Kalau ada kepentingan dan harus mengontak satu sama lain, kenalkan batasannya. Balas chatnya, tapi jangan serempet serempet sampai ke hal lainnya. Saya sendiri yang seharusnya paling paham batasan kepentingan itu kan.
Sukailah, sayangilah, tidak apa-apa, tapi tak perlu diucap, dirasa, dibicarakan, apalagi diumbar di media social. Maksimal yang bisa saya lakukan hanyalah mendoakan dia. Menyukai seseorang dengan doa-doa yang terlantun, romantis ngga sih?
Kemungkinan Kedua, kalau saya sedang suka seseorang, tapi suka suka aja kenal juga ngga terlalu, semacam jaman dulu suka sama kakak kelas keren, bisa dibilang fans lah. Tapi dream banget kayanya kalau si kakak kelas ini jadi suami masa depan saya. HAHAHA, padahal ngga kenal ._. Saya seharusnya menyikapi sama seperti diatas, diam, tidak perlu dirasa, cukup didoa. Tapi saya kok disuruh diam? Kalau ngga usaha dulu, rugi namanya. Yaudah USAHA kalau gitu, jangan diam aja. Sebenarnya ini berlaku juga buat masalah yang nomor satu, tapi masalahnya karena udah tau ngga available, buat apa usaha toh saya yakin bakal ditolak. Atau saya berpikir, "setidaknya dia tahu perasaan aku, cukup itu" WOY Cukup. Kemaluan jangan diumbar! Harga diri jangan semakin turun! Saya harus usaha tapi tolong, dengan cara yang tepat.
Usaha dengan cara yang tepat, maksudnya ialah, tanyakan, dia yang saya suka itu available atau ngga, pastikan itu lewat orang yang dipercaya. Bisa tanya ke keluarga, sahabat dekat, atau kedianya sendiri langsung juga boleh kalau berani. Kalau :p Dan sekali lagi ingatkan diri saya sendiri, ini untuk kondisi saya yang memang sudah mantap mau menikah dalam waktu dekat loh. Bukan masih menunggu hajat yang harus diselesaikan terlebih dahulu. Kasian kan masnya kalau disuruh nunggu nunggu.
Contohnya, sekarang saya kan masih sekolah, diluar negeri lagi, mau sih nikah, tapi paling nanti kalau sudah lulus baru menikahnya. Nah, ini salah pikiran saya. Itu tandanya mau nge-tag seseorang dulu gitu ngga sih, kok enak banget, emang orang itu ngga punya hajat lain sampai nikahnya harus nunggu saya lulus dulu? Kalau maunya nanti ya bertindaknya nanti saja. Kalau memang butuh menikah, kenapa harus nunggu lulus dulu, jadi sekarang saya ubah pola pikir saya, saya siap jika memang waktunya untuk menikah sekarang walaupun saya belum lulus. Setelah itu saya baru bisa bertindak. Hubungilah sahabatnya, keluarganya, dianya, hubungi langsung boleh kalau berani mah, minta tolong hubungi sama sahabat atau keluarga saya juga boleh. Tanyalah baik baik, ke availablean, dan kesediaannya. Nembak lah gitu. Dan agaknya saya bukan tipe seberani itu untuk tanya sendiri sih, hehe. Tapi kalau memang nantinya belum jodoh, yah pasti ada aja tandanya, maksudnya yah kalau ditolak gitu, yah tidak apa-apa, itu artinya harus kembali lagi ke teori sebelumnya, diam saja, jangan dirasa-rasa, didoakan saja.
Tapi kok ya, saya cewe kok, masa yang nanya duluan sih. Eh, kenapa tidak sih? Tahun 2016 loh ini sekarang. Kalau ga bertindak-tindak ya sudah terima saja nasib, jangan baper tapi, jangan kepikiran, dan harus ikhlas kalau tiba-tiba nanti dianya ditembak cewe lain :p
Ketiga, kemungkinan tiba-tiba dekat sama seseorang. Yang namanya tiba-tiba kayanya aneh. Ini pasti ada yang salah diawalnya hahaha, ngga bisa saling menyalahkan tapi salah saya dan salah orang itu juga sih. Tapi gimana ya namanya juga tiba-tiba, alamiah, karakter saya yang begini juga sih yang bikin saya mudah dekat sama orang lain, salah saya banget sih memang.
Terus gimana dong kalau saya sudah terlanjur salah? Sudah terlanjur dekat, eh terlanjur suka, yasudah kembali lagi sih ke fitrah. Kembali lagi ke teori yang tadi. Salah jangan lama-lama, terlanjur jangan sampai disekalianin aja. Harus tahu kapan waktunya kendaraan kita berhenti, berbalik, walaupun juga sudah terlalu jauh beloknya.
Tapi suka ngga suka, bertameng "teman" antara laki-laki dan perempuan, saya tahu banget sih, at least bagi saya sendiri, itu bullshit. Haha. Ntah saya atau orang itu kalau namanya sudah terlanjur "berteman", pasti terbawa perasaan, salah satu nya apa malah keduanya. Kalau salah satunya yah sudah dipastikan nantinya di masa depan bakal ada yang sakit hati banget. And its likely to be me.
Kalau bisa dengan cara yang lebih baik mengapa tidak ? Kalau bisa menghindari kemungkinan sakit hati yang parah sekali di masa depan, kenapa tidak? Tapi saya loh tipe yang berani berpikir, "Saya tahu bakal sakit sih nantinya, tapi gapapa kok," ITU NAMANYA NGEJAR KESENANGAN sementara! Iya ngga sih? Bukan waktunya main main sih. Udah 25 tahun. PUASA, Tik, puasa.
Apapun bentuknya, rasa perhatian ke orang yang tidak tepat itu bukan kewajiban saya. Dan diperhatikan oleh orang yang tidak tepat juga bukan hak saya. Semua harus ada batasannya. Dan saya sendiri yang tahu batasan itu. Perhatiannya sebaiknya dialihkan ke yg lebih membutuhkan perhatian saya. Saya masih punya Ibu-bapak yang saya tahu sendiri jarang sekali saya yang menghubungi duluan, sekedar menanyakan kabar. Jadi kenali, sadari, siapa-siapa saja yang berhak atas perhatian saya ?
Kemungkinan keempat, dideketin seseorang. Agak terdengar lucu kalau buat saya, tapi namanya juga kemungkinan. Hahaha. Buat saya, bukan saya saja sih tapi memang lumrah lah buat semua orang, kalau dideketin seseorang dengan "maksud" tertentu, biasanya akan sadar dengan hal itu. Dan kemungkinan ini sih agaknya saya sudah cukup jago mengatasinya, hehe.
Intinya sih saya gaboleh keeping fans. Keeping fans emang salah? Salah saya kalau ada yg suka? Kan bukan kita yang mulai duluan. Yah sudah tahulah, kalau pikirannya kaya gini ya terlalu egois sekali. Yang maksudnya keeping fans juga nyambung kembali lagi ke teori awal, teori harus tahu batasannya. Kalau ga suka ya bilang ga suka.
Tapi, di umur menikah sekarang ini, kalau kemungkinan ini datang, adalah sesuatu yang seharusnya tidak boleh dihindari. Walaupun saya awalnya tidak kenal apalagi suka. Jangan menolak maksud saya. Buka pintu, open house. Mengetahui seseorang punya perasaan terhadap saya, yah namanya ini ada yang mau mampir ke open house saya :D Cuma sebelum masuk lebih dalam, tanyakan keseriusannya, kalau memang serius, silahkan masuk rumah dan berbicara kepada Ibu Bapak saya :) Dan bukan berarti dia jodoh dan calon pendamping saya di masa depan loh, walaupun sudah masuk rumah, walaupun sudah dapat izin, walaupun eh saya tiba-tiba jadi suka :p Jadi tetap harus tahu batasan, tahu bagaimana menempatkan diri, menjaga perasaan, sampai disaat setelah semua orang bilang "sah".
Oktober 2, 2016.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Care means love, then.
I feel like writing.
But, today, really unlike me, who always have a big appetite even in hi-fever condition, I don't feel like eating. And things just happened not really well for today. :.D
But whatever that, still Hamdalah, and prepare for tomorrow, InshaaAllah tomorrow will be a better day than today.
And i have no regret to open my blogger, here, I found myself being useful to others.
My mood really booooooosted up just to read and reply people messages and questions about many things, mostly about my life in Japan, scholarship, my sketch or design.
That's why, from my deepest heart, I really like writing stuff. But i also can not do anything about myself who really bad at writing stuff hahaha. I found myself bad at 'proper' language, more more over scientific language ^^"""" (I don;t know how i will survive this master life when I need to write scientific reports and thesis all the time T-T). Now while I'm learn Japanese also, I feel I can not really using a proper Japanese .__. One of my friend always noticing it when I speak Japanese with sensei and I continually using tameguchi, or Japanese language for daily life which should not be used to sensei. I tried my best to put "desu" in all sentences, though. Yeah, I sometimes, no, maybe often, didn't realize when I made mistake. That's why I am sometimes scare to myself. I just..... do not want to be a shitty._.
Anyway, you can easily find my crap grammar in my English even Indonesian writing. Hahaha. But that's really something I can't help, or.... I don't want to take care anymore? Maybe because.... I do not like it.
I won't take care of something, if I do not like it.
I will take care of something, if I do like it, if I do love it.
Care means love, then.
But, today, really unlike me, who always have a big appetite even in hi-fever condition, I don't feel like eating. And things just happened not really well for today. :.D
But whatever that, still Hamdalah, and prepare for tomorrow, InshaaAllah tomorrow will be a better day than today.
And i have no regret to open my blogger, here, I found myself being useful to others.
My mood really booooooosted up just to read and reply people messages and questions about many things, mostly about my life in Japan, scholarship, my sketch or design.
That's why, from my deepest heart, I really like writing stuff. But i also can not do anything about myself who really bad at writing stuff hahaha. I found myself bad at 'proper' language, more more over scientific language ^^"""" (I don;t know how i will survive this master life when I need to write scientific reports and thesis all the time T-T). Now while I'm learn Japanese also, I feel I can not really using a proper Japanese .__. One of my friend always noticing it when I speak Japanese with sensei and I continually using tameguchi, or Japanese language for daily life which should not be used to sensei. I tried my best to put "desu" in all sentences, though. Yeah, I sometimes, no, maybe often, didn't realize when I made mistake. That's why I am sometimes scare to myself. I just..... do not want to be a shitty._.
Anyway, you can easily find my crap grammar in my English even Indonesian writing. Hahaha. But that's really something I can't help, or.... I don't want to take care anymore? Maybe because.... I do not like it.
I won't take care of something, if I do not like it.
I will take care of something, if I do like it, if I do love it.
Care means love, then.
August 9, 2016.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Awaji Yumebutai - Water Temple - Access for Awaji Island
How to go there? At first I also confused since no train service offer for Awaji Island, while in Japan you can feel at ease travelling because the feeling of "you can easily reach anywhere thanks to train services".But actually its also very easy to access eventho without train!

Awaji Island can be accessed by road-route or sea-route. But by ferry might be more expensive, more unconvinient and slower than by bus. The Awaji Island services bus starting from three points in Kobe. Shin-Kobe, Kobe-Sannomiya and Maeko.
In the early of May, me and Tissa, UGM Arch's friend who doing internship at Kobe, with 2 housemates plus one Thai friend, went to Awaji from Sannomiya. Me from Osaka met Tissa at the bus station which provide bus for Awaji. The station is inside the building called MINT Kobe near Sannomiya Station. The service for Awaji is stop number 4. We need to bought the ticket first inside the station. Surprisingly, the round trip ticket was cheaper than one way, it was 1,600¥ for bus fare roundtrip Sannomiya- Awaji Yumebutai, while 930¥ for one way. Dont forget to ask the last service schedule of buses.
Here the schedule of buses : http://www.yumebutai.org/english/access/detail/time_maiko.html
Here the schedule of buses : http://www.yumebutai.org/english/access/detail/time_maiko.html

Yuzy, Tissa, Me, Moke, Kan
90 mins on Bus from Sannomiya, we reach Yumebutai, right in front the hotel or resort of Yumebutai. After get off from the Bus its better to go to the hotel reception to ask about the awaji bus schedule (for water temple) and also bus schedule for going back to Sannomiya. The hotel staff also provide an useful map for the visitor.

We strolling around the Yumebutai resort complex for almost 3 hours. As an architecture student i really satisfied with the place. I felt like i went to Tadao Ando design museum because its large area I felt a different touch of designs each section, the space experiences there was awesome, i dont know how he can wonderfully connect such as many functions in a big area. Also still Ando-s characteristic of concrete and the grid are felt strongly there.
First we went to the chapel, which looks like Church of the Light but with different execution. Then the rooftop of chapel also very interesting. We saw the pond flooring with the hundred shells.
The view to the park or sea and every corner of space there was photo worth-instagram worthy-until we became crazy and never stop saying "kimochii" which means good feeling, good atmosphere.
Because we really felt so comfy even though it was so hot that day! No more to say and explain about Yumebutai - its just worth to visit, not only me but also non architecture student also admit it :D
Next, we went to Water Temple 本福寺水御堂 But, because we didn't ask before to the receptionist about Awaji city bus schedule, we just missed the bus and the next bus will be in next an hour. So, we decided to walk there. According to google maps only 2,5 km and can be reached in 30 mins, but actually we dont know how much time we spent to walk there :D because we were too tired we walked slowly and we also stopped by at beach there, play a bit~ so i also recommend you to walk to see the area of Awaji island that was really really quite! We found some abandoned buildings and shops, and old vending machine :.D But the scenery of the village, nature and beach was satisfied!
Then, we arrived at Water Temple! A bit different from my imagination, the temple is no as big as i thought. But the design, once again, well executed! The concrete and the nature blended as the concept of Ando's

Came down into the temple, RED is dominated. Very peaceful and calm, the water that put above as a roof insulation cooling the inside area. We let our Thai friend, Moke, to pray there and we also took a rest a bit inside there. Surprisingly, I met my senior from Architecture Handai but different labo there :p Hehe seems like the place we visited was totally Architectural trip, but my friends who non Architectural students also seems understand and can enjoy it! :d



Next, we went to Water Temple 本福寺水御堂 But, because we didn't ask before to the receptionist about Awaji city bus schedule, we just missed the bus and the next bus will be in next an hour. So, we decided to walk there. According to google maps only 2,5 km and can be reached in 30 mins, but actually we dont know how much time we spent to walk there :D because we were too tired we walked slowly and we also stopped by at beach there, play a bit~ so i also recommend you to walk to see the area of Awaji island that was really really quite! We found some abandoned buildings and shops, and old vending machine :.D But the scenery of the village, nature and beach was satisfied!
Then, we arrived at Water Temple! A bit different from my imagination, the temple is no as big as i thought. But the design, once again, well executed! The concrete and the nature blended as the concept of Ando's

Came down into the temple, RED is dominated. Very peaceful and calm, the water that put above as a roof insulation cooling the inside area. We let our Thai friend, Moke, to pray there and we also took a rest a bit inside there. Surprisingly, I met my senior from Architecture Handai but different labo there :p Hehe seems like the place we visited was totally Architectural trip, but my friends who non Architectural students also seems understand and can enjoy it! :d


Me Inside the Water Temple, and Me at Yumebutai



What we found along the way from Yumebutai-Water Temple.
May 1st.
Tapi Ada, Idul Fitri 1437 H.
Bukan tentang lontong-opor ayam kering tempe buatan simbah
Bukan tentang baju baru yg sengaja disiapkan untuk sholat Ied
Bukan tentang pulang kampung dengan berjam jam macet
Bukan tentang keliling rumah sanak saudara mengumpulkan angpau
Bukan tentang tradisi lainnya yg biasanya kita lakukan
hampir setiap tahun di hari besar spesial selepas Ramadhan ini.
hampir setiap tahun di hari besar spesial selepas Ramadhan ini.
Ya, kita perantau disini, jauh sekali dengan tentang tentang itu.
Jujur, kalau bisa dibuka hati saya, di lapisan paling dasar,
sepertinya akan terlihat menangis.
Tapi lapisan lapisan lainnya, Alhamdulillah masih terlihat baik-baik saja.
Jujur, kalau bisa dibuka hati saya, di lapisan paling dasar,
sepertinya akan terlihat menangis.
Tapi lapisan lapisan lainnya, Alhamdulillah masih terlihat baik-baik saja.
Tak hentinya saya bilang kepada Yuzy, sahabat Indonesia yg memang serumah dengan saya, saat jalan pulang malam hari kemarin, bahwa hari Idul Fitri ini seru sekali, bahagia sekali, Alhamdulillah. Dia pun mengiyakan karena merasakan hal yang sama.
Memang terbilang bahwa ini adalah Idul Fitri saya pertama kalinya sendiri, jauh dari keluarga inti yang hampir setiap tahun pulang kampung ke Jawa Timur, plus ditambah saya berada di negeri minoritas islam.
Tapi boleh dibilang, ini adalah Idul Fitri saya pertama kalinya tanpa tidur siang seharian, tanpa fokus ke hp atau medsoc membalas berbagai pesan seharian, yang tandanya saya sedang sibuk dengan sesuatu. Ya karena saya memang sibuk menikmati keseruan bersilahturahim dengan sesama perantau disini.
Memang tidak ada alun alun, atau jalan raya, atau pelataran masjid besar yang disiapkan untuk solat hari raya. Namun masih ada komunitas muslim disini (OMA) yang menyiapkan hall besar untuk sholat raya di daerah dekat Masjid Ibaraki.
Memang tak ada opor ayam lontong buatan simbah, tapi ada berbagai makanan yang rasanya sudah mengobati rindu buatan para single yang dikumpulkan menjadi potluck indonesia. Opor ayam ada kok, buatan mama Nikko yang memang sedang mengunjunginya. Ada telur balado ati petenya Nindya, mi goreng, nasi kuning nya Mega, ase cabe makanan sundanya Adinda, dendeng enak banget buatan Mba Murni yang dibawa Anja, tahu brokoli Wisman, dan lainnya.
Tidak ada kumpul di ruang keluarga simbah, tapi ada unit apartment cukup 3LK rumah Pijar Wisman yang dijadikan tempat berkumpul.
Tidak ada rumah sanak saudara yang harus di sampiri, tapi ada rumah senior Handai, Mba Sasti yang sudah tinggal 12 tahun di Osaka dan mengundang kami para single belum berkeluarga untuk berkumpul disana. Jadilah setelah puas menikmati hidangan sendiri, ngobrol sampai main werewolf, pukul lima sore kita sudah rapih duduk mengisi ruang makan cantik rumah mba Sasti, sambil menyantap Bakso! Juga, kue kue lebaran yang diimpor langsung dari Indonesia. Pembicaraan kami pun santai namun cukup bermanfaat berilmu karena kami semua memang mahasiswa pada dasarnya. Membicarakan masalah lablife, kesehatan, tips trik menikah dan lainnya. Jauh jauh jauh dari malasnya jikalau berkunjung ke keluarga yang tidak terlalu dekat di Indonesia dan pembicaraannya hanya seputar tema "kelas berapa?" "oh kuliah, kapan lulus?" "kapan nikah?" "udah ada pacar?" "kerja dimana, gajinya besar?" Etc etc etc.
Masih banyak sih "tidak ada" lainnya, apalagi ditambah "tidak ada" yang di bulan Ramadhan. Namun, Alhamdulillah "tidak ada" itu masih bisa tertimpa dengan "tapi ada" :)










Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri.
Suita, Osaka.
Syawal 1437 H.
hello japan!
Suita, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Bulan Lima
Aku tukang bohong deh. Janjinya bakal berusaha update dan aktif menulis, tapi nyatanya, teringat sedikitpun tidak.
Entah gimana caranya bayar utang tulisan sejak November 2015? Sedangkan sekarang sudah Bulan Lima.
Jadi, sudahi saja janji palsunya. Mohon maaf lahir batin.
Bulan Lima ini, beberapa hal membuat Jepang menjadi terasa seperti Indonesia. Hijaunya, panasnya, teriknya, ditambah beberapa hal lagi. Jadi, yah, musim panas sudah tiba!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Before The Class Started :' (Osaka)
The second day.. the first meeting didn't go smoothly as the first day was done. But I have nothing to sad about because I keep laughing all the time, and it was a good experience HAHAH how can I made the staffs of Ramen Museum worried about me, and then I made all the staff knew Mas Faisal and Ox faces and name! I made them super famous.. I would like to give all the staff of Momofuku Ando Ramen Museum a big applause of services! They even let us to finish our ramen-making session even tho the museum already closed :" Recommend you guys to definitely visit the museum if you read this!
My drawing on 3 cups!
What so funny?
We both dont have any connection. We make a promise to meet at the Mamofuku Ando Ramen Museum, Ikeda Kyoto at 2 PM. Then I came there, but LATE haha because Uniqlo Yamada Station attracted me to stop by, then, I arrived at 2.20. I couldnt see them at the museum lobby, so I just entered and sat down in the lobby waiting area. And did nothing. 10 mins past, and I became worried, many "what if" came to my mind.
What if they are still on the any part of Tokyo? (because they came from Kyoto then they travel bit there then planned to try Shinkansen) Will they make it to come at 2 pm? OR
What if they already came and already inside? because I came late.
And until when I will waiting?
BUT THEN, at 3 PM one of the museum staff was kindly approaching me. And said "Is there anything I can help you?" I replied in Japanese though and tell her everything, some of the staff also heard my story.
Then they were thinking. "there are wifi here, and your friend also dont have connection......."
And I asked, whether they ever seen the faces of my friends. So I let them see Mas Faisal and Ox faces from my camera from yesterday's trip.
But they were hesitating it, and then one of the staff brought the idea to find them by informing it publicly. So she asked their names and origin country to make an announcement that I was waiting for them at the lobby. But after they did unfortunately no one came.
Then, I decided to get Wifi, wherever, so I can send them msg that i was waiting but I will go home if they werent reply me. Beacuse anyway the musuem will close at 4 and the ramen cup making will close at 3.30, and at the moment was 3.10ish.
So the staff teached me about the nearest family mart. Yeah if youre in Japan its a bit hard to get free wifi but you can get the free Wi-Fi in every Family Mart in Japan and also at the big station, some of them provide free wifi.
Before I went, I told them if they are see my friends came, please tell them that I go to the FM.
In FM, just hit or miss, i tried to send msg to Ox via Line. I know they dont have connection too, but just I will try, if they are READ directly thats my luck. But if no sign, its okay too.
Our Line msgs was like this:
"Where are you now? Im waiting at the ramen museum now, HAHAHA its so funny"
then, 2 sec later, READ!
Oh wow, Miracle! Then he replied,
"We are at Osaka Station now, we are heading to Ikeda now"
I tried as fast as possible to tell them that the museum will close soon, if they just go from the Osaka Station they may wont make it. And I want to try to just meet somewhere else.
But, after I send it, no READ sign. Oke then I believed they already hopped on the train.
Then I decided to just waiting them until they came even the museum already closed, I can wait outside. And way back from FM to Museum was a bit raining. When I was about reached the museum, I was shocked cos some staff were still waiting at the museum gate for ME! They asked how was it, and I told them I will waiting for my friends.
She told me that if I want to make ramen cup, I still have 5 mins to buy the cup because it will close at 3.30. So I bought 3 cups for us, I was the last customer, then after bought the blank cup, the next stage was drawing the cup, there were still many people drawing when I came, so I have a positive thought that they may made it to come while i was drawing. So~ I drawing really slowly slowly, of course while laughing I really enjoyed it though even alone, cos the staff really kind and they approched me sometimes when I was lonely drawing 3 cups by myself just to asked, "Is your friend really come" "Tika-san, Don't worry we still have staff waiting at the gate and lobby" "Tika-san, Are you a muslim? Dont eat the ramen cos they are not Halal food" OOH soooo kind of them!
I already finished all the drawing for 3 cups. After drawing, people lining up for the filling the ramen and pack area. I was not lining up yet, still sitting at the drawing area. I was waiting until the line gone at least until 3-4 people left, then I will lining up.
And I was standing, about to go to the queue, while I heard someone-not someone but a bit chaotic at the room's door, because of Ox and Mas Faisal came! Theye were guiding by some staffs to meet me! HAHAHA. They were a bit confused about what was happening cos the staff keep saying "Yokatta Tika-san" but they were saying sorry to me, But I just laughed and no worry cos its so funny. Then I told them everything from the beginning. HAHA they said Oh so thats why when they reached the museum, just at the gate some staffs asked their names "Are you Mr Okusu from Singapore and Mr Faisaru from Indonesia?" and then "Youre friend Tika already waiting for you since 2.30 here!" then the staffs kindly guides them to where I located.
Then, because its happened we were able to make our ramen, even they just put their sign on their cup, and we have an exclusive pics and session because no one there anymore. Time already 4.30 pm when we finished everything, but the staffs were keep smiling and servicing us with their heart !
Just for your information, this ramen museum is FREE entrance, but the services was sooo SUGOI, AWESOME! 10 THUMBS UP!

They also got us a pictre
After that, their last nigt in Japan was spent at Dotonbori, Osaka. Yeah sure they should visit the Glico-man of Osaka, until now I don;t know why the Glico-man was so popular?
The Mizuno's appearance and me while lining up with the minion from USJ
And I brought them to Mizuno, the famous Okonomiyaki restaurant in Dotonbori, and yeah like what its said on internet, there will be a long line to eat at Mizuno. And luckly we were there to try just 5 mins before the lining was closed.
The Chef will cook in front of you like this
I got the vegetarian Okonomiyaki! :"
For me just so-so, hehehe i mean I was expecting something more and even more after lining up for 40 mins. But yeah its just delicious, and people said so, you can read more at http://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g298566-d1664126-Reviews-Mizuno-Osaka_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html
Then, after that a bit shopping and went to Namba Station, and we were apart there. They took JR train to the airport, they planned to sleep at the airport for their early flight back to Korea and Singapore on the next day's morning. I was chotto sad because it was so fun to hanging out with them :"
hello japan!,
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Before The Class Started :' (Kyoto)
Last weekend, Saturday was PSI2015, and on Sunday-Monday I did a little trip to Kyoto and Osaka with my college senior, Mas Faisal and his Singaporean friend, Ox. I was exciting to go to Kyoto for the first time (on my second time in Japan) and moreover to meet someone I knew, and more more over Sunday's plan was visiting Kinkakuji-Ginkakuji-Nanzenji temple-Philosopher Part- Teramachi that I haven't been there before.
So, from Minamisenri to Awaji Station changing line to Hankyu Kyoto for Nishikyogoku Station, the nearest station from their hostel, and also the place where we promised to meet. And everything went smoothly even without internet connection. I met them and then we continue straightly from Nishikyogoku station to Saiin Station, and took a bus from there to the Kinkakuji Temple.
My first time here! But since it was a long holiday, so many people everywhere and of course here also, soooo i didnt really enjoy the temple visit. But i was enjoying hanging out with them tho!
Next is Ginkakuji, its sounds the same but different, the location is also different. Kinkakuji is Kin -> gold, and Ginkakuji is Gin -> silver. We took the bus for 20 mins from Kin to Gin. And, i should say that the silver temple has a larger and prettier garden and things to see than the gold. But not satisfied enough compared to the 1000 gates shrine, Fushimi Inari and Kyomizudera, i think. But Kin really has a gold temple, not like Gin, we really shocked to know the silver temple is just a ordinary temple.
From Gin, we walked through a philosopher path. Nicely named. I think this path will be very very pretty during Sakura season on Spring. But now, its a time about to change to Autumn, so just so so, but walking there was really peaceful, somehow i can get it why its named Philosopher Path.
At the end of the Path, there were many temples. More temples. One of them that we visited is Nanzenji temple. There, we found a different things than other temple, that was a huge wall that looks like build by European. But I don't know the fact.
That day ends after we visited and shopped at Teramachi and also got a snack there!
So, from Minamisenri to Awaji Station changing line to Hankyu Kyoto for Nishikyogoku Station, the nearest station from their hostel, and also the place where we promised to meet. And everything went smoothly even without internet connection. I met them and then we continue straightly from Nishikyogoku station to Saiin Station, and took a bus from there to the Kinkakuji Temple.
My first time here! But since it was a long holiday, so many people everywhere and of course here also, soooo i didnt really enjoy the temple visit. But i was enjoying hanging out with them tho!
me with the over excited face -_-
Next is Ginkakuji, its sounds the same but different, the location is also different. Kinkakuji is Kin -> gold, and Ginkakuji is Gin -> silver. We took the bus for 20 mins from Kin to Gin. And, i should say that the silver temple has a larger and prettier garden and things to see than the gold. But not satisfied enough compared to the 1000 gates shrine, Fushimi Inari and Kyomizudera, i think. But Kin really has a gold temple, not like Gin, we really shocked to know the silver temple is just a ordinary temple.
Gin, should it be painted by silver color?
Instagram worthy?
Inhale Exhale here!
Ginkakuji's entrance.
Stopped by near Ginkakuji for matcha ice cream and chocolate dango!
And why temple temple temple? Mas Faisal apparently has a big interest to 御朱印帳(ごしゅいんちょう)a book that can be bought at any temple or shrine or souvenir shops to collect the stamp (the fancy one) calligraphy drawn by the temple/shrine staff. Really cool, even Ox also bought and collecting it. But i have no interest hehe plus each stamp that we want to get is not free, you should pay around 300 JPY for each calligraphy. I just noticed this thing is exist and many people lining up for the calligraphy!
The stamp collectors!
From Gin, we walked through a philosopher path. Nicely named. I think this path will be very very pretty during Sakura season on Spring. But now, its a time about to change to Autumn, so just so so, but walking there was really peaceful, somehow i can get it why its named Philosopher Path.
At the end of the Path, there were many temples. More temples. One of them that we visited is Nanzenji temple. There, we found a different things than other temple, that was a huge wall that looks like build by European. But I don't know the fact.
Enough with the temple, we need a break. Our legs also need a break. HAHA. And we went to Kyoto Station, randomly to find a sushi restaurant, since my guests really want to eat sushi. And after a long long searching, (because we kept lost our way, also we almost gave up) we found the only one sushi restaurant that open at the moment. When we arrived, we straightly got seats. And after that people lining up. That Kaiten Sushi (Conveyor belt sushi) named Musashi Kaiten Sushi. And then we ate. 1-2-3 everything taste so good for me, a way way better than others kaiten sushi i had before. Ox and Mas Faisal also felt the same way. At the end we ate approx 10 plates each. Then, until we left the restaurant while kept talking about the good taste, we never realized that sushi place was a famous one in Kyoto. HAHA so randomly LUCKY!
See the people's review and restaurant detail here: http://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g298564-d967638-Reviews-Musashi_Sushi-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html
Of course I will go eat this sushi again if I go to Kyoto Station next time XD
After that we visited Kyomizudera, my second time there, and again I visited this temple during the evening, when the temple almost close. But the different this time so many people still entering the temple even 30mis left before its closing. And also we met some funny guy-geisha there!
That day ends after we visited and shopped at Teramachi and also got a snack there!
Nom nom nom, we really get trapped by the cute foods figure in the front of the restaurant! HAHAH
And, the second day.. the first meeting didn't go smoothly as the first day was done. But I have nothing to sad about because I keep laughing all the time HAHAH how can I made the staffs of Ramen Museum worried, and then I made all the staff knew Mas Faisal and Ox faces and name! I made them super famous.. really i would like to give all the staff of Momofuku Ando Ramen Museum a big applause of services! They even let us to finish our ramen-making session even tho the museum already closed :"
*to be continued
hello japan!,
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